Parameter API object


  • Builds a parameter object for a HeaderComponent. For text parameter, the character limit is 60. For Document parameter, only PDF documents are supported for document-based message templates (not checked). For Location parameter, the location must have a name and address.


    Returns HeaderParameter

    If parameter is a string and it's over 60 characters

    If parameter is a Location and it doesn't have a name and address


currency?: Currency

The currency of the parameter

date_time?: DateTime

The datetime of the parameter

document?: Document

The document of the parameter

image?: Image

The image of the parameter

location?: Location

The location of the parameter

product?: CatalogProduct

The product of the parameter

text?: string

The text of the parameter

    | "text"
    | "document"
    | "image"
    | "video"
    | "location"
    | "product"
    | "currency"
    | "date_time"

The type of the parameter

video?: Video

The video of the parameter